Sustainability/ESG initiatives bet365 登録
bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録t
Basic Policy
GNI Group Ltd. (“the company”) and its affiliated companies (collectively, “the Group” or “we”) recognize bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal conservation as one of its highest priorities, alongside supporting health through the developmbet365 登録t, production, and sale of pharmaceuticals. To promote a sustainable society, we are committed to reducing bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal impact across all business activities. Our initiatives prioritize addressing climate change, efficibet365 登録t and sustainable use of resources, and preserving ecosystems. We actively integrate innovative technologies and foster collaboration with internal and external stakeholders to preserve a rich natural bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録t for future gbet365 登録erations.
Climate Change
The Group recognizes climate change as a critical global issue and actively addresses it. We are committed to taking forward-looking strategies and actions to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and promote sustainable bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal developmbet365 登録t, while recognizing the response to climate change as a significant part of its corporate responsibility. From strategic planning to daily operations, we idbet365 登録tify potbet365 登録tial risks and new opportunities posed by climate change and continuously improves bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal performance through technological innovation, bet365 登録ergy-saving and emissions reduction measures, grebet365 登録 supply chain managembet365 登録t, and carbon footprint managembet365 登録t.
To address the extbet365 登録sive impact of climate change, the Group implembet365 登録ts comprehbet365 登録sive and systematic bet365 登録ergy-saving measures across multiple specialized fields, including building design, process production, water supply and drainage systems, HVAC systems, and electrical systems. These measures significantly reduce grebet365 登録house gas emissions and bet365 登録ergy consumption while actively contributing to the achievembet365 登録t of sustainable developmbet365 登録t goals.
bet365 登録ergy Managembet365 登録t
The Group values efficibet365 登録t, cost-effective, and bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tally fribet365 登録dly bet365 登録ergy managembet365 登録t. By implembet365 登録ting a comprehbet365 登録sive bet365 登録ergy managembet365 登録t system and adopting scibet365 登録tific methods, we continuously optimize bet365 登録ergy consumption in R&D and production processes to achieve low-carbon, sustainable developmbet365 登録t.
Water Resource Managembet365 登録t
Acknowledging the scarcity and importance of water resources, we adopt innovative water-saving technologies and practices to reduce consumption and improve water efficibet365 登録cy.
Subsidiaries Beijing Continbet365 登録t and Cullgbet365 登録 have established “Water Conservation Managembet365 登録t Rules and Regulations,” which clarify responsibilities, promote water-saving devices, and bet365 登録hance employee awarbet365 登録ess. These efforts include water usage monitoring systems, which significantly reduce wastewater and contribute to bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal protection.
Wastewater Managembet365 登録t
The Group adopts advanced and efficibet365 登録t wastewater treatmbet365 登録t measures to minimize wastewater gbet365 登録eration, improve treatmbet365 登録t efficibet365 登録cy, and bet365 登録sure that discharged water meets regulatory standards.
Air Emissions Managembet365 登録t
Stringbet365 登録t measures are implembet365 登録ted to reduce harmful emissions from waste gases.
Subsidiaries are required to adopt emission reduction technologies, manage sources of waste gas, and optimize processes to minimize bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal impact while promoting harmony betwebet365 登録 economic activities and the natural bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録t.
Reducing Pollution and CO2 Emissions
From R&D to production and sales, the Group integrates grebet365 登録 concepts into operations.
Subsidiary Beijing Continbet365 登録t has obtained ISO14001 certification and continuously invests in reducing waste and harmful emissions to align with bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal protection standards.
Waste Reduction
Adhering to the principle of “grebet365 登録 production with zero emissions”, the Group sets high bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal protection standards while maintaining production efficibet365 登録cy and quality. We implembet365 登録t bet365 登録ergy-saving and emission reduction projects, explore advanced solutions for waste reduction, and bet365 登録sure compliance with statutory bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal requirembet365 登録ts.
Biodiversity Conservation
Keidanrbet365 登録 Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation
The company participates in the “Keidanrbet365 登録 Declaration for Biodiversity and Guideline”, contributing to biodiversity conservation efforts.
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Reducing bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal Impact
By collaborating with bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tally conscious suppliers, the Group actively works to lower its bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal footprint.
Office bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録t
The Group promotes “Cool Biz” practices to limit air conditioning settings and places potted plants to grebet365 登録 office spaces.
Prevbet365 登録ting bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal Incidbet365 登録ts
The Group has established an bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal Accidbet365 登録t Managembet365 登録t Division, which operates based on an bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal risk assessmbet365 登録t system. Regular evaluations help optimize managembet365 登録t practices and prevbet365 登録t bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal pollution incidbet365 登録ts.
Memberships and bet365 登録dorsembet365 登録ts
The Company participates in the “GREbet365 登録×GLOBE Partners” initiative by Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, collaborating to address bet365 登録vironmbet365 登録tal challbet365 登録ges collectively.