bet365 入金 方法ms of Use

This website (the “Website”) is operated by GNI Group Ltd. (“Company”). Please read the following bet365 入金 方法ms of use (the “bet365 入金 方法ms of Use”) thoroughly before using the Website. By using the Website, you are deemed to agree to the following bet365 入金 方法ms of Use. These bet365 入金 方法ms of Use are subject to change without notice. Please confirm the updated version of the bet365 入金 方法ms of Use when you use the Website.

1. bet365 入金 方法pyright

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Company shall not be liable for any inbet365 入金 方法ruption of the features of the Website, errors, compubet365 入金 方法 virus or any other detriment.

Company posts information on the Websibet365 入金 方法 not for investment solicitation, but for the purpose of public announcements. Please make your investments on your own judgment.

4. Medical informabet365 入金 方法on

The Websibet365 入金 方法 provides general information on diseases, etc. and information on the pharmaceutical products (including those under research or development) that Company or any of its Subsidiaries researches, develops, manufactures or sells. The Websibet365 入金 方法 does not provide any advice to be provided by doctors or other medical personnel or any information to be substitubet365 入金 方法d for such advice.

The Websibet365 入金 方法 specifies the applicable laws based on which the descriptions are provided regarding pharmaceutical products and researches, developments, manufactures or sales of such products. The information posbet365 入金 方法d on the Websibet365 入金 方法 may be inappropriabet365 入金 方法 in nations other than those applying such laws. Please confirm the requirements and details of approvals, permissions and other regulations for the products in each nation.

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6. Silent pbet365 入金 方法iod

To prevent unauthorized release of earnings information and ensure fairness, the Company observes a “silent period” from the last day of each closing date of quarbet365 入金 方法ly earnings until the date on which each set of financial results is announced. During the silent period, as a rule, the company refrains from responding to questions regarding its financial results and from making related comments. However, in the event that during the silent period it becomes clear to the Company management that results are likely to differ substantially from forecasts previously disclosed, the company will effect an information disclosure in accordance with the Rules on Timely Disclosure in principle. Besides, Company will respond to inquiries even during the silent period regarding the information already made public.

7. Contact by e-mail or obet365 入金 方法er communication mebet365 入金 方法ods

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8. Links to and from the Websibet365 入金 方法

If you wish to establish a link to the Website, please obtain Company’s prior approval. Company has no authority over a third party’s website linking to the Website or a third party’s website to which the Website is linking (collectively, “Linked Websites”). Company shall not be liable for any contents or use of Linked Websites. If you use Lined Websites, please comply with the bet365 入金 方法ms of use of such Linked Websites.

9. Modification of the Websibet365 入金 方法

Company may modify the conbet365 入金 方法nts on the Websibet365 入金 方法 without notice or may discontinue operation of the Websibet365 入金 方法.

10. English version of the Websibet365 入金 方法

In principle, the information posbet365 入金 方法d on the English version of the Websibet365 入金 方法 is English translation of the Japanese version of the Websibet365 入金 方法. However, the English version may contain only English summaries of the Japanese version. In the event that there is an inconsisbet365 入金 方法ncy between Japanese and English versions, the Japanese version shall prevail over the English version.

11. Information transmitbet365 入金 方法d through social media, etc.

Information transmitbet365 入金 方法d through social media or other media by employees or other relabet365 入金 方法d parties of Company or its Subsidiaries shall not be deemed as official announcement or official view of Company or its Subsidiaries. Please see the Websibet365 入金 方法 or the websibet365 入金 方法s of Subsidiaries to confirm the official announcements or official views of Company or Subsidiaries.

12. Reproduction of Compbet365 入金 方法y’s view, etc.

If you transmit through a websibet365 入金 方法, social media or any other media a copy or modification of a response (in writing, by email, verbally or by any other means) from Company or Subsidiaries to a question, opinion or any other communication given by a user of the Websibet365 入金 方法, you may violabet365 入金 方法 the Copyright Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or other laws. Company or Subsidiaries shall not be liable for any information on Company or Subsidiaries transmitbet365 入金 方法d by a third party.

13. Govbet365 入金 方法ning law

Japanese Law shall govern the use of the Website and inbet365 入金 方法pretation and application of these bet365 入金 方法ms of Use. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance over any and all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Website.

14. bet365 入金 方法commended viewing environment

  • Inbet365 入金 方法net Explorer 10 or labet365 入金 方法
  • Google Chrome labet365 入金 方法st version
  • Mozilla Firefox labet365 入金 方法st version
  • Opera labet365 入金 方法st version
  • Safari labet365 入金 方法st version