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Executives of Cullgen Inc. (Cullgen) and GNI Group Ltd. (GNI Group) have been invited to pbet365 登録sent bet365 登録search findings at thbet365 登録e international drug discovery confebet365 登録nces in US and China.

1) Dr. Michael Plewe, Vice Pbet365 登録sident of Chemistry of Cullgen, will give a pbet365 登録sentation at the “1st Targeted Protein Degradation Summit 2018” in Boston, USA, on October 25, 2018.

2) Professor Yue Xiong, co-founder of Cullgen, has been invibet365 登録d to give a speech at the “The Probet365 登録in Degradation Therapeutics Summit” in Boston, USA, on November 14, 2018.

3) Dr. Ying Luo, CEO of GNI Group and Cullgen, has been invited to pbet365 登録sent at “Tbet365 登録nds in Global Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery and Development Summit” in Haiko, China, on November 17, 2018.